In Focus

  1. Three's Company

    Thanks to the gradual normalisation of the sexual wellness and health industry, more people are openly discussing their sexual experiences and embr...
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  2. What in the Lube?

    I understand the stress of seeing tubes of lube in the grocery store and on the rack at the sex shops and not knowing what it was for. I was shown ...
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  3. Who The Hell Invented Lube?

    Lube is still not being widely discussed in society and many people can get uncomfortable when the subject is brought up. However, if more people knew where lube came from, how long it’s existed, and the different kinds of lube humans have used throughout history, could people feel more comfortable talking about it? 

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  4. Why everyone’s talking about Tumblr Porn

    People who grew up exploring their sexuality through Tumblr Porn are the same people who are today working to normalise sexual conversations. These are the people who want to talk about pleasure, ethical porn, using personal lubricant and reproductive health, because the only platform that provided them with a safe space to discuss these topics no longer exists in the way it once used to. 
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  5. It’s time to destigmatize lube

    Since launching this product some of our friends have been quick to state they ‘simply don’t need to use lube’. This is directly related to the sha...
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  6. Why personal lubricant is good for you, but some ingredients aren't

    All in all, this is a reflection on our do’s or don'ts when it comes to personal lubrication. Here at FIGR we’ve created a lubricant that is an extension of oneself, feeling like complete natural lubrication from one’s body - free from all of the above. 
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